
I'd probably STILL lock myself out!

12:08 AM

I was doing some cruising around the blogosphere the other night really late and stumbled on this site. Yes, before you even say it, I find some unusual and different things on the web at times! I also tend to find some really useful things. I think this is one of those useful things this time.

Axxis Biometrics sells fingerprint door locks for both commercial and residential locks. These locks are pretty great looking for something that you usually see attached to some kind of medical lab door! You have your choice of deadbolt, latch or mortise styles, and they come in different finishes too. The prices don't seem to be bad, and their sporting a Better Business Logo on their site, which isn't something you see everyday on the internet.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've always been intrigued by keyless locks and the idea that you could get them for your home is really neat I think. This might be the next big 'thing' to have on your house, maybe it already is. I just think that there are so many reasons why this would be handy to have.

My biggest reason I'd want it, especially if I had younger kids, is that it would completely eliminate having to give your young kids house keys and then constantly be worried they would lose them.

I also discovered in reading about them, that you can program them to let certain people in during certain time periods. You could program it so the afternoon sitter could get in, or the neighbor could get in to check on things at a time you designate while you're on vacation, the possibilities are endless. And all without having extra keys to your house floating all over town.

What do all of you think of this? Do you already have them and I'm horribly behind the times? What do you think about them for kids?

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