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Never Surrender To A Scoundrel
by Lily Dalton

One Scandalous Season, Book 3
Grand Central Publishing (January 27, 2015)
ISBN-13: 9781455523993  ISBN-10: 1455523992

"A Reckless Desire…Lady Clarissa Bevington is in trouble. A reckless indiscretion has left her with two choices: ruin her family with the scandal of the Season, or marry Mr. Kincraig, the notorious scoundrel mistaken as her lover. Desperate and disgraced, Clarissa vows to love and cherish a veritable stranger, a man whose eyes smolder with danger—and undeniable desire…

An Unexpected Arrangement
As an agent for the Crown, Lord Donovan Blackmer has spent the last two years guarding Clarissa’s grandfather from an unknown assassin while disguised as the rakehell Kincraig. His mission may now be over, but his duty has just begun. Salvaging his beautiful, impetuous wife’s virtue will cost him his fortune and his position as an officer—but it might save him from the ghosts that haunt his own past. When their marriage “in name only” leads to exquisite seduction, Donovan must risk the only thing he has left to lose…his heart."

The Review...
I'm a sucker for a good cover and a good romance story.  This hit the mark on both counts! I dove into this book and enjoyed every minute of it! Many times I lose interest in these books because the writing isn't all that great, but the story kept me interested and kept me from coming up til it was finished!  I can't wait to read more in the series.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.  The opinions expressed here are my own.

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