
Review and Giveaway! The Terror

8:46 AM

By Dan Simmons

Mass Market Paperback: 992 pages
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; Reprint edition (January 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0316008079
ISBN-13: 978-0316008075

"The men on board HMS Terror have every expectation of finding the Northwest Passage. When the expedition's leader, Sir John Franklin, meets a terrible death, Captain Francis Crozier takes command and leads his surviving crewmen on a last, desperate attempt to flee south across the ice.But as another winter approaches, as scurvy and starvation grow more terrible, and as the Terror on the ice stalks them southward, Crozier and his men begin to fear there is no escape.A haunting, gripping story based on actual historical events, The Terror is a novel that will chill you to your core "

This book is simply stupendous. It wasn't til after I started this book that I realized that it was based on a true story. There was an exploratory expedition headed up by Sir John Franklin to find the Northwest Passage and the two ships were named "The Erebus" and "The Terror" and they did disappear never to be seen from again. After that, Simmons weaves his incredible tale of horror, creepiness and suspense. I honestly cannot read his books at night because I get scared silly! This book brings to life the horrors of men at sea, what they endured in that brutal cold while searching in vain for the Northwest Passage. The story combines sci-fi, thriller and historical fiction all in one incredible story. This is that one book everyone should read and experience....well during the daylight hours anyway!

"Dan's Arctic adventure-dark fantasy novel The Terror was on a variety of Top 10 lists for 2007, including Entertainment Weekly's Top 10 Books of 2007, USA Today's Top 10 Books, Stephen King's "Top 10 from My Reading in 2007" list also quoted in Entertainment Weekly, and was # 1 on Amazon.com's "2007 Top 10 SF and Horror Novels" list.The Terror was also in the Top 12 of all books rated by Book Sense, the journal of independent bookstores." From http://www.dansimmons.com/

Now for the fun stuff!

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I'm lucky enough to have 5 copies of this thriller to pass on to my lucky blog readers thanks to Hachette Book Group, USA.!!!

To get past all the legal stuff - You must be 18 to enter, and you must be a resident of the US or Canada and no P.O. boxes allowed. Contest runs from February 12, 2009 until Midnight February 27, 2009.

Leave me a separate comment for each entry and make sure to leave me an email addy so I can contact you if you win!

1 entry for commenting - Tell me one thing that scares you! Think of this as your own private counseling session ;)
1 entry for following me
1 entry for following me on twitter
2 entries if you post about this contest (give me a link in the comment)

I can't wait to see what frightens all of you!

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