
Review: Tempted By His Kiss

6:31 AM

by Tracy Anne Warren
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Avon (February 24, 2009)
SBN-13: 978-0061673405

Read an excerpt

Synopsis (from authors website)

"Orphaned beauty Meg Amberley never planned to pose as Lord Cade Byron’s fiancée. Caught in a snowstorm, she takes refuge at his estate. Stranded together, Meg soon finds herself falling under Cade’s spell. When the roads clear, she intends to leave, but fate intervenes.

Haunted by his past, Cade Byron has buried himself in the country. Then Meg—with her lush curves and soft, blonde hair—invades his house and his life. With her reputation compromised, he proposes a pretend engagement and a London Season where she can find a husband.

But as their charade deepens, Cade can’t let her go . . . vowing to tempt her with a kiss that just may lead to forever"


This book is terrific! It's exactly what you want a romance book to be - great love story, steamy romance and a bit of danger (love can't always run smoothly!) Make it a historical romance set in England and that makes it that much better. I couldn't put this one down once I'd started it because it was just that darn good. I thought the characters of Cade Byron and Meg Amberley were wonderful because they weren't over the top in any way, which is sometimes the case with 'bodice rippers'. I've found that many times the male characters are over the top agressive, and the females are simpering little misses, which wasn't the case here. I thought Tracy Anne Warren really hit the right combination to make these characters likeable and believable. The dialogue was also very believable, which is great because we all want to think that THIS really could happen to US (well, if we had a time machine and could go back in time!). but all of you know what I mean. Most of us like a good romance because we like to live vicariously through the characters and nothing spoils that more than unbelievable characters and bad dialogue. I also wanted to note that while the romantic parts were very steamy they weren't explicit which I personally like because I'd like to retain a bit of mystery about my characters.

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