GRRRRRRR Computers!!
9:24 AMWhile I love my computer and would be lost without it, there are days I want to chuck it out the window! One of those days started late Friday night and is only now back somewhat to normal. Somehow I downloaded a virus late Friday night and within minutes my computer was toast. After numerous tries to get it up and functional, I finally had to re-format it Saturday morning. Needless to say, Saturday was spent trying to get back up and running and recover as much information as possible. The upside of this is that some housekeeping will get done which is always a good thing, but I also start realizing how much information I’ve lost. I had recently synced my Outlook calendar with my Google calendar and I’m now realizing how important it is to routinely upload and back up my system. I’m going to take this opportunity to revamp how I do things and pledge to be more organized from this day forward. Unlike New Years resolutions I hope this is one that I manage to keep!