
Review: Deep Thinking the Human Condition

8:43 AM


Join S.A. Odunsi, author of the social science, Deep Thinking The Human Condition: New Ideas We Can't Do Without (Human Rethink, July '08), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in March on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion!

Born in Nigeria, Odunsi has lived in Texas for over a quarter century. He makes his living operating 2 small businesses. While he has a BA in business, Odunsi credits his ideas not to his formal education but to his independent investigative efforts.

For more information please visit http://www.humanrethink.net

The concepts presented in the book will open up a dialogue about how we look at our past, present, and future. Odunsi presents new ideas to chronic world problems in a very creative and imaginative way. Arguments presented are well worth debating and studying. With the numerous current global crises taking place, Deep Thinking The Human Condition is highly recommended to those concerned about why we are unable to solve world problems and why it is essential to change our approach when tackling major global plights.

...it is intuitively logical that real development, as opposed to shallow modernization, will start in the PUCs (persistently underdeveloped countries) if the graduates of higher education - the leadership class-begin to function with the proficiency in management, entrepreneurship, and invention demonstrated by their counterparts in the developed countries.
...(In the PUCs) the bulk of economic growth in modern industry and commerce, as well as its effective maintenance, are disproportionately dependent on the entrepreneurial, managerial, administrative, and inventive efforts, initiatives, and leadership of a distinct ethnic minority or expatriate agents, and not on the rank-and-file members of idigenous population groups.

DEEP THINKING THE HUMAN CONDITION VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR '09 will officially begin on March 2 and end on March 31. You can visit S.A.'s blog stops at http://www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com/ in March to find out more about this great book and talented author!

As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors' blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available.

Review Deep Thinking The Human Condition

Odunsi brings something to our attention that is rarely talked about and as such, not on the minds of most of us. He talks about PUC's (persistently underdeveloped countries) and how they've never been able to achieve their full potential. His book is an intense look at this problem and the fact while traditionally, Social Science has tried to solve these problems, it has in fact failed. He explores the reasons for this and proposes some ways we can rectify the situation.
This is not a book for all readers. The average person is not going to pull this off the shelf and read it. While reading it, I really felt like this was more textbook than anything else. Even so, this book has definite merit and is full of insightful information on what can be done to help PUC's to achieve their potential.
This is the first book in a series, and I hope with the next books that they improve on the cover. It definitely is not something that draws the reader to it. Even so reading this book really opened up my eyes to some issues.

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