
4:36 PM

Coffeehouse Theology:
Reflecting on God
in Everyday Life

Ed Cyzewski

: 233 pages
Publisher: NavPress Publishing Group
: English
ISBN-10: 1600062776

Description (from publishers website) "Theology should breathe life and unity among God's people, but today’s culture creates a barrier of ignorance and misunderstanding in the study of God. Author Ed Cyzewski seeks to build a method for theology that is rooted in a relationship with God and thrives on dialogue."

When I was asked by the author to read this book, I kind of was expecting a stuffy, dry theology textbook. What I read instead was an extremely enlightening book explaining the concept of Post Modernism and then Contextual Theology in terms almost everyone will understand. Cyzewski explains that we are all theologians, and that anyone who studies the bible, reads religous literature, listens to a sermon, discusses God or Faith, or just prays is a Theologian. Theology is understanding God and his relationship to our world and ourselves. I loved this aspect of the book because sometimes I think we get very hung up on titles and the average person feels like religion is above him. (No pun intended!) Coffeehouse Theology would be a wonderful resource for someone just beginning on his walk with God and also for the experienced Christian. To understand how we came to our beliefs about God we have to understand where the beliefs came from, and to do this we have to understand the context in which each of those interpretations were made. The book does an excellent job of walking the reader through a thorough understanding of contextual theology and how it helps to form our beliefs. I truly hope that everyone has a chance to read this book. I think it will expand your knowledge and help in your walk with God. Ed Cyzewski writes in a way that almost everyone will understand and learn from. I'd recommend this book to everyone who wants to explore their faith a little further and learn a little more about understanding each other rather than being divided.

Authors website
Ed Cyzewski: Freelance Writer
In A Mirror Dimly

Listen to a podcast of Ed discussing the book

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