
Review of Murder by Family

5:15 AM

by Kent Whitaker

Howard Books, September 2008
Hardcover, 224 pages
ISBN-10: 1416578137
ISBN-13: 9781416578130

Description (Publisher Website)

Straight from the headlines comes an incredible true story of a son's treachery. For the first time, readers are offered inside access to the emotional drama that went on behind the scenes. At the core is the remarkable healing power of forgiveness, demonstrated by Kent Whitaker, which shows how the survivors of such atrocious events can still forgive those who have permanently damaged their lives.

One evening, the Whitaker family returned home after dinner, celebrating a son's impending graduation from college. On opening the front door, they faced a gunman lying in wait. The gunman opened fire, instantly killing the younger sonand Kent's wife, leaving Kent and his older son lying wounded until police and ambulances arrived. While recovering in the hospital, Kent resolved in his heart to forgive whoever was responsible for the deaths of his wife and son.

Over the next few weeks, it was discovered that the whole murder plot had been orchestrated by the surviving son -- whom Kent had unknowingly forgiven. After a trial that resulted in a death sentence for his son, Kent emerged from this harrowing ordeal to share their astonishing journey toward forgiveness and redemption.


This book is a true life crime case that will take your breath away. The breathtaking part is not the murders themselves, but rather the story of a fathers forgiveness towards his son. This story is an amazing testament of a father's love. Not that Kent Whitaker refused to believe his son was guilty of planning the murders of his family, but that he believed him guilty and could still forgive him.

I thought this book was so inspiring and a wonderful example that we should all hope to follow. One aspect that jumped out at me, was that this book was no focused on the horrific details of the crime as so many books in this genre are, but more focused on how Kent was able to make the journey to forgiveness.

This is a book everyone should read. It's an incredible story that will touch your heart and your life.

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