Review for The New I.Q.

10:56 AM

I'll have a more in-depth review of The New I.Q. by Dr. David Gruder when I'm back up to snuff, but I did want to tell you that I found this book extremely interesting and very exciting.

My sons grew up with a saying on their bedroom wall "What's Popular is not always right. What's right is not always popular", and even though they didn't really understand it when they were little, they grew to understand what it meant. Although I was told many times that it was old-fashioned. For a long time now, I've personally felt as if there was more value placed on getting ahead in our society vs. having integrity. Integrity seemed to be an old fashioned concept and almost a ''dirty" word of sorts. Unfortunately, whether we want to believe it or not, our society as a whole is paying for that.

Dr.Gruder's book is a call to everyone to once again place a high value on integrity. As parents we should be instilling a high code of integrity into our children and place as much value on it as their I.Q. As the old saying goes, "It's not how high your I.Q. is, it's how you use it that matters!".

I can't recommend this book highly enough. I think that this is just the kind of thinking we need to pull us out of the mess we have gotten into. If we as a nation started dealing with integrity in every area of our lives, how different would things be?

"Integratize" your lives and move into a new way of thinking that will benefit you and your family, your career and life in general, not too mention the world around you.

Make sure you check out this important book and also the website for more information.

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