
Review: Tempt Me If You Can

1:04 PM

By Janet Chapman

Mass Market Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Pocket Star; Original edition (February 23, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1416595449
ISBN-13: 978-1416595441

When an anonymous letter stuns shipping magnate and confirmed bachelor Ben
Sinclair with the news that he has a teenage son, he's determined to make good on the past. But Emma Sands doesn't trust him. The beautiful, fiery blonde has raised her nephew in the peaceful woods of Maine since he was five, and just because fifteen-year-old Michael is the spitting image of
his tall, handsome father doesn't give Ben the right to march in and change their lives forever. Or so she thinks, until his return mysteriously unearths a dangerous small-town secret. With Michael's help,
Ben will do whatever it takes to prove to fiercely independent Emma that he can be the fearless protector she never knew she wanted...and the passionate lover she always thought she could resist.

About The Author
A native of rural central Maine, Janet Chapman lives there in a cozy log
cabin on a lake with her husband. Three cats and a stray young bull moose
keep them company. The author of the hugely popular Highlander time-travel
series, she also writes contemporary romances.

OOOh this was a good one!  I thought the storyline was great, and there was intrigue as well as the romance.  This would be a great beach read for the summer.  For me, this would be well worth picking up and curling up with!

Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy of the book to review.
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