Review: Plain Jayne

5:46 AM

By  Hillary Manton Lodge

Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers; Original edition (January 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0736926984
ISBN-13: 978-0736926980

Description (Publisher Website)
Talented new author Hillary Manton Lodge brings a new twist to the popular Amish novel.

Jayne Tate loves her life as it is—living in a big city, working as a reporter for a fast-paced newspaper, and dating a guy who knows nothing about her past.  When her father passes away though, she’s forced to take another look at what she wants out of life.  After losing out on the big career opportunity she was hoping for, she decides to escape to Oregon Amish country, seeking solace and maybe a big story.

Even in this land of buggies and bonnets, Jayne finds life more complicated than she expected.  Can she persuade herself that her growing friendship with the mysterious and handsome Levi Burkholder is just about research?  And what’s a latte-drinking, laptop-using, motorcycle-riding reporter to do when this new life starts to change her?

With humor, faith, and unexpected romance, Plain Jayne will delight readers.

About The Author
Hillary Manton Lodge graduated from the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism She works as a freelance photographer while following her passion to write fiction. The author of Plain Jayne, she and her husband, Danny, live in Eugene, Oregon.

I really enjoyed this book.  While it's a wonderful Amish Romance, it's also a look at what happens when people leave the Amish life and the ramifications of that.  I thought it was a wonderful look 'inside'.  The story was well paced and well written and it really was a wonderful romance.

Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a review copy of this book.

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