
One Night in Memphis by Allie Boniface - Blog Tour and Q & A

12:10 AM

One Night In Memphis
by Allie Boniface

Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Samhain Publishing (May 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1605042889
ISBN-13: 978-1605042886

Description (Publisher Website)
What if a woman, tired of broken hearts and bad choices, traveled a thousand miles to the heart of Memphis, Tennessee, and spent a night forgetting her past in the blues clubs of Beale Street? What if a man who lost his wife to cancer ventured to Beale Street's social scene for the first time in over a year? And what if they met and realized love was still possible for them both?

Dakota James and Ethan Meriweather have both given up on finding happiness in a relationship. When they meet in downtown Memphis, at a crowded nightclub, neither has romance on the brain. But as the evening unfolds, and small talk turns to the stuff of hopes, dreams, and shared loss, a kinship grows that surprises them.

Before the night is over, though, Dakota's past will catch up with her in the form of a violent ex-boyfriend. As dawn approaches, and tragedy threatens to tear Dakota and Ethan apart, both will have to make a decision that could change their lives forever. Is new love worth putting your life on the line for someone you've just met?

Read An Excerpt Online!

Q & A With Allie Boniface
When did you write your first book and how old were you?
Actually, I think I was in 4th grade! I filled one of those black and white composition notebooks with the adventures of one of my favorite porcelain dolls, Charlotte. I have no idea what happened to it, though... (the story, not the doll - I still have her, sitting on a shelf!)

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I've written (for publication) 5, the 4th of which just released last week! It's hard to choose a favorite, so I'll go with the first, Lost in Paradise . I love the story and I love the hero - sexy auto mechanic Eddie!!
Who designed the covers?
Every publisher has its own cover artists that it uses and assigns to projects. I'm lucky enough to have been given great artists for all my books, I think. I love the cover Audio Lark designed for One Night in Memphis because it captures the near-dusk mood of excitement and romance.
What do you think makes a good story?
Ah, something that turns pages! I used to think it was beautiful writing (well, I still do to a certain extent), but I've come to realize that if you can make your readers stay up all night rather than put down your book, you've written a "good story."

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
Hm. I wanted to be a doctor for a while, until I volunteered in my local hospital. Then I wanted to be an actress until I realized I didn't really have the true ability to put on and take off characters' masks. But I always did want to be a writer - so I guess I'm living my dream, at least part time! It's a wonderful feeling :)
Thanks for having me here today! Readers, join me at www.allieboniface.com or www.allieboniface.blogspot.com to find out all my latest writing news!

About the Author (Publisher Website)

Allie Boniface is a romance novelist and high school English teacher living with her husband in the northern New York City suburbs. She’s had a soft spot for love stories and happy endings since the time she could read, and she’s been caught scribbling story ideas on scrap paper (when she should have been paying attention to something else) too many times to count. When she’s not writing, shoveling snow, or grading papers, she’s traveling the United States and Europe in search of sunshine, back roads, and the perfect little pub.
Visit Allie’s website at www.allieboniface.com to find out release dates and all the latest news, or hear what’s on her mind today at her blog, www.allieboniface.blogspot.com.

My Review
I really enjoyed this contemporary romance that takes all within a 24-hour period. The writing was entertaining and the plot was interesting and well written. There is some strong swearing in this one folks, so if that's something you avoid - you've been warned ;) All in all, this is a good book and I'd recommend picking it up.
Check out the Rest of the Tour and leave a comment for a chance to win an audiobook from Allie Boniface!

The tour will run on the following dates:

April 29: Sherry Gloag
April 30: Word Wranglers
May 3: The Life (and lies) of an inanimate flying object
May 4: Liana's Place
May 5: You Gotta Read Guest
May 6: Book Junkie
May 7: My Reading Room
May 10: Marta's Meanderings
May 11: Nicole Zoltack
May 12: Perils of Pauline
May 13: Jacqueline Page

Allie will be giving away the winner’s choice of either the Lost in Paradise
audiobook or One Night in Memphis audiobook to one randomly drawn commenter from the tour and to the tour host with the most comments, excluding duplicates or Allie’s responses.

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