
New Book Giveaway!

4:40 PM

I've got a new book to give away. I've got three copies available of Babushka's Beauty Secrets by By Raya Ruder and Susan Campos

Description (Publisher Website)

Esthetician to the stars Raisa Ruder learned her time-tested beauty techniques from her Ukrainian grandmother (or babushka, as they say in the old country). Now everyone can discover the all-natural, better-than-botox secrets the Hollywood stars use to shine on the red carpet! Ruder reveals her sought-after beauty recipes that can fight wrinkles, plump lips, and eliminate crow's feet and acne, using inexpensive, everyday grocery items like eggs, honey, vegetable oil and strawberries (and a splash of vodka for freshness!). At last, by popular demand, Raisa Ruder opens up her babushka's secret pantry and shares her most amazing and effective beauty advice:

  • Skin-saving Soufflés - whipped up wonders that shrink pores, brighten skin, and diminish lines
  • Chocolate weight-loss wrap- a moment on the hips, tightens, tucks, and nips!
  • Hot hair- a cayenne pepper blend that leaves locks silky, soft, and full
  • PediPure- a soothing, smoothing foot scrub made with milk and mint
  • Lustrous Lashes - a simple castor oil serum that thickens and lengthens
  • Perfect Pucker- a mix of salt, green tea, and fruit that plumps up lips naturally
  • And much more...
Now here's the rules ;)

-Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win
-No P.O. Boxes, please.

Extra Entries
1. Become a subscriber/google follower
2. Blog Post (leave link on form)
3. Twitter Post (leave link on form)

Contest will run from 5/13/2010 until Midnight ET 6/13/2010. Winners will be contacted by email.

So if you'd like to find out to be beautiful for less sign up to win a copy!
Fill Out the form here

Thanks to Hachette Books for allowing me the books for the giveaway!

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