
Review: Healing Luke by Beth Cornelison

3:46 AM

Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca (September 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1402224346
ISBN-13: 978-1402224348

Covered with burn scars, having lost an eye and a thumb in a nearly fatal accident, Luke Morgan's days as a ladies' man are over. But his bitterness, far more than his injuries, threatens to tear apart his family and their business.

Abby Stanford is a physical therapist on vacation in Florida. When she meets Luke, she understands everything he's going through. She finds herself powerfully attracted to him, damaged though he believes he is. Abby can look beyond his pain and anger to see the man he is inside, enabling Luke, too, to see himself as whole and desirable once again…

Another great romance to pick up for your summer reading.  The romance is hot between Luke and Abby and perfect for your beach reading, or just to escape and relax.  I'd never read anything by this author before, but I'll be watching for anything else by Cornelison.  If you're looking for a little romance this is a keeper.

Thanks to the publisher for sending me a review copy of this book.

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