
Review: Legs Talk: A Modern Girl's Dating Tale

9:31 AM

By D.E. Boone

Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Global Force Media LLC; 1st edition (February 14, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0979745349
ISBN-13: 978-0979745348

This book is too much fun!! This is a definite guilty pleasure that you all need. This small, short book is a quick read, but one that I'm sure you'll go back to again and again. It's an entire relationship that you can see and read about in 10 minutes tops. The book features the black and white photography of Marc Burgess, and showcases the gorgeous legs of model Natsuko Koizumi. Believe me, these legs can tell a story and that story is full of attitude and sass! This is the perfect great book for your coffee table or your nightstand. Give it to your best girlfriend that's been dumped or is doing the dumping! Give it to the man in your life when you're feeling flirty and a little naughty! You'll find a million reasons to pick this book up...not the least of which is for yourself!

Check out this trailer for the book!

Check out the book website at Leg Talk

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