
Review: Indulge Me

11:00 AM

by Isabel Sharpe
Harlequin (May 1, 2008)
ISBN-10: 0373793979
ISBN-13: 978-0373793976
224 pages

This is from the Harlequin Blaze Forbidden Fantasies series and certainly didn't disappoint in the blaze category. This book is HOT! Darcy Wolf has spent years taking care fo everyone else and now she's ready to ditch the good girl and explore her bad side. She's all set to indulge a few fantasies when she runs into her housepainter Tyler Houston. The opening chapter of the book has her seducing Tyler by stripping naked in front of the window where he's painting. Needless to say, this is where the HOT factor takes off in this book. These two set off sparks you won't believe. If you're looking for a good book to read on a Saturday night....one you can live vicariously through...this is a perfect choice. This one is on fire from beginning to end.

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