Blog Tour and Review for Fatal February

7:36 AM

Welcome to Barbara Levenson's Book Tour

Barbara Levenson

About the Author

Barbara Levenson has lived in Miami for the past 32 years.
A cum laude graduate of the University of Miami Law School, Barbara has served as a prosecutor and run her own law practice where she focused on criminal defense and civil rights litigation. Barbara was elected to a judgeship in the circuit court of Miami-Dade County, where she still serves as a senior judge.
Born in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Barbara was raised in Columbus, Ohio. She was the first woman elected to the Columbus Board of Education, and later served as the Board’s first female president. Barbara was also the first woman to be named the Ohio Newspaper’s “Man of the Year.”
Barbara and her husband, a retired financial consultant, bred and showed German Shepherd Dogs for 20 years and finished 11 champions in the show ring. They have two sons. Her website is

Fatal February by Barbara Levenson

Fatal February: A Mary Magruder Katz Mystery

Summary: For half Jewish, half Southern Baptist Miami criminal defense attorney Mary Magruder Katz, life starts to spin completely out of control when a minor fender bender turns out to be an unlikely shot from Cupid’s bow.
Carlos Martin, the other car’s driver, isn’t just a distracted driver; he’s distracting. Carlos is charming, handsome, and mysterious. Hardly before she knows what hit her, Mary breaks off her engagement, jumps into a sizzling romance with Carlos, gets fired from her former fiancé’s highbrow law firm, starts her own practice, and lands her first client, Lillian Yarmouth.
But Lillian isn’t just any client; she’s the prime suspect in what’s become the Miami society murder of the year.
While investigating Lillian’s alleged crime of passion, Mary finds that this case, like all matters of the heart, is anything but black and white. And Mary has clearly stumbled onto something that has someone seeing red.
February may be the shortest month of the year, but Mary’s got some long days (and nights) ahead. This month could be a real killer.

Fatal February Review:

When I started this book I wasn’t sure that I was going to like it. But all of a sudden it took off and I was hooked. Once the book got going there was a lot of action and a lot of romance. I really liked Mary Magruder Katz. She’s smart, sexy and fun to read. Overall this was really a fun little book. This was the first book by Barbara and I sincerely hope to read more from her in the future. Her background in law helped to make the book very interesting. On top of that she’s a fellow Buckeye!

Barbara is very graciously giving away a signed copy of her book, Fatal February, to one lucky tour visitor. Go to Barbara’s book tour page, and enter your name, e-mail address, and this PIN, 4751, for your chance to win. Entries from Marta’s Meanderings blog site will be accepted until 12:00 Noon (PT) tomorrow. No purchase is required to enter or to win. The winner (first name only) will be announced on Barbara’s book tour page next week.

Thank you to Mystery Book News for allowing me to participate in this book tour! Check out this schedule of stops on the FATAL FEBRUARY tour.

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