Review: The Italian Lover

10:38 PM

By Robert Hellenga

Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Back Bay Books; Reprint edition (February 9, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 031611765X
ISBN-13: 978-0316117654

"Margot Harrington's memoir about her discovery in Florence of a priceless masterwork of Renaissance erotica--and the misguided love affair it inspired--is now, 25 years later, being made into a movie. Margot, with the help of her lover, Woody, writes a script that she thinks will validate her life. Of course their script is not used, but never mind--happy endings are the best endings for
movies, as Margot eventually comes to see. At the former convent in Florence where "The Sixteen Pleasures"--now called "The Italian Lover,"--is being filmed, Margot enters into a drama she never imagined, where her ideas of home, love, art, and aging collide with the imperatives of commerce and the unknowability of other cultures and other people. "

That is the blurb from the Hachette Books, USA website. I enjoyed this book but it's definitely not one of my favorites. The descriptions of Florence were wonderful, but the story just seemed to drag a bit to me. I guess I wanted to be swept off my feet with a great romance and I don't think that is what it was intended to be. I had never read anything by this author, but the reviews I read were great! This just might be a case of reading a book at the wrong time. give all of you, my wonderful readers, a chance to find out for yourself Valerie @ Hachette has been wonderful enough to offer 5 books for me to give out.

To Enter: Please make sure to leave a reply in the comment section of this post.

♦The giveaway is open to Canadian and US residents only.
♦You must be 18 years of age or older to enter.
♦The winner’s mailing address: NO P.O. Boxes.
♦Only one entry per household/IP address.
♦The contest ends at midnight on March 7, 2009.
♦Five(5) winners will be picked in a random draw and will be drawn on Sunday, March 8, 2009.

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