Review: He Is Risen

10:40 AM

He Is Risen:

Reflections on Easter and the Forty Days of Lent
by Richard Abanes

Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: FaithWords (February 5, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 044669679X
ISBN-13: 978-0446696791

When I saw Valerie at FaithWords post a link to this book I had to go and see what it was about. (before anyone says a word I know this is a sickness...I can't resist a book!). Here is a link to an online preview of the book. Take a peak inside He Is Risen yourself.

I haven't received a copy of this book yet (fingers crossed that it will on it's way soon!), but from what I was able to read in this sample, it looks like an excellent resource. I think it will help the reader get focused on the true meanings of Lent and Easter. Each week preceeding Lent covers a different topic about lent. It's a great look into the history of Lent and in how Lent is celebrated in different countries. The book includes scripture and other writings that help us to understand the purpose of these Holidays and what they mean.

I can't wait to get my copy of this book. To get your own copy, you can go here.

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