Mrs. Meyer's Clean Home Review and Giveaway! No-Nonsense Advice that Will Inspire You to CLEAN like the DICKENS by Thelma Meyer'sHardcover: 240 pagesPublisher: Wellness Central (March 2, 2009)ISBN-10: 0446544590, ISBN-13: 978-0446544597 Whether we're trying to keep a one bedroom apartment clean or a huge house full of kids, we can always use help with cleaning. Mrs. Meyer's Clean Home could be the answer!...
Welcome to this leg of the blog tour for DROOD. Make sure you check out the links to the other blogs participating in the tour below to find out what they are all saying about Dan SimmonsSynopsis from Publisher Site: “On June 9, 1865, while traveling by train to London with his secret mistress, 53-year-old Charles Dickens--at the height of his powers...
He Is Risen: Reflections on Easter and the Forty Days of Lentby Richard AbanesHardcover: 288 pagesPublisher: FaithWords (February 5, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 044669679XISBN-13: 978-0446696791When I saw Valerie at FaithWords post a link to this book I had to go and see what it was about. (before anyone says a word I know this is a sickness...I can't resist a book!). Here is a link...
This takes brown-nosing to a whole different level!This probably is NOT what people are expecting for Wordless Wednesday...but this is a picture that left me speechless...well pretty much ;) ...
By Robert HellengaPaperback: 368 pagesPublisher: Back Bay Books; Reprint edition (February 9, 2009)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 031611765XISBN-13: 978-0316117654Summary:"Margot Harrington's memoir about her discovery in Florence of a priceless masterwork of Renaissance erotica--and the misguided love affair it inspired--is now, 25 years later, being made into a movie. Margot, with the help of her lover, Woody, writes a script that she thinks will validate her life....
This was a week of great blog posts and lots of books that I now want to read! I don’t think my shelves are going to hold all of them though! (insert plea for donation of lots of bookshelves)Well let’s get on to the goodies! I can't wait to share them with you!Devourer of Books reviewed The Sonnets by Warrick Collins. In his...
Welcome to Barbara Levenson's Book TourAbout the AuthorBarbara Levenson has lived in Miami for the past 32 years.A cum laude graduate of the University of Miami Law School, Barbara has served as a prosecutor and run her own law practice where she focused on criminal defense and civil rights litigation. Barbara was elected to a judgeship in the circuit court of Miami-Dade County,...
by Lance Waite.bookmark img { border: 0;padding:0px; }.bookmark a:hover {position: relative;left: 1px; }Reading level: Ages 4-8Hardcover: 32 pagesPublisher: Parents Publishing Group, LLC; 1 edition (June 8, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1601310161ISBN-13: 978-1601310163This is a sweet book about a girl and her dad spending the day together at the beach. This book is the second in a series of books about fathers and daughters. They take...
by Charlotte Cowan, M.D.Reading level: Ages 4-8Hardcover: 32 pagesPublisher: Hippocratic Press (January 25, 2009)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0975351656ISBN-13: 978-0975351659 This is the story of Miles, the young moose who first has a tummy ache and then diarrhea. The story explains to Miles what exactly is happening and how to deal with being sick. This story is really fun, and even though parents may at first...
By Mardi LinkPaperback: 200 pagesPublisher: University of Michigan Press/Regional (June 25, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0472033158ISBN-13: 978-0472033157 I spotted this gem of a true-life crime novel one day while surfing on Amazon. For anyone who is a fan of true crime novels or cold case books this is a great choice. This is an accounting of an unsolved murder that took place 40 years ago...
The next Book Giveaway Carnival, hosted by Tracy at Bookroom Reviews is March 2 through 8. There will be giveaways for books (they do not have to be new) and/or book related items. There will be lots of people participating and lots and lots of fun bookish giveaways. I'm excited and I can't wait to participate in this. I've got lots of giveaways...
By Barbara RomoPaperback: 272 pagesPublisher: Crescent Moon Press; 1st edition (April 1, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0981601111ISBN-13: 978-0981601113This book has a really original plotline: an alien who is investigating alien abductions. That said, I wasn't sure how this was going to playout and if it was going to be believable. I'm not the biggest sci fi fan. Not my favorite genre. That's part of why...
By Barbara DelinskyTrade Paperback, 448 pagesPublisher: Random HouseOn Sale: February 2009ISBN: 978-0-7393-2801-9 (0-7393-2801-8)Summary: This is a story of a family in crisis. When Robin Snow, an elite marathoner who is favored to shine at the upcoming Olympic trials, when Robin suffers a heart attack during a training run and fails to regain consciousness, her family is devastated. Molly's parents understandably fold under the...
By: CarmindyHardcover: 224 pagesPublisher: Center Street (October 7, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1599951436ISBN-13: 978-1599951430"In GET POSITIVELY BEAUTIFUL, makeup artist Carmindy from TLC's hit program What Not to Wear shows you how to change your mindset from negative fault-finding to a positive beauty philosphy. You learn how to find and focus on your best features and how to combat negative thoughts about your appearance. Carmindy demonstrates...
I discovered a great site over the weekend and I'm hoping that all of you will take a hop over and see what they are all about. It's called Kidz ( ) This site is about the lives and lessons of special needs children, but the site is for everyone, not just friends and families. According to the site "Our mission is...
Time again for a few stops around the blogosphere to see what others are reading. Please stop in and check them all out and get signed up signed up.This week over on Beth Fish Reads she has a review of a thriller by Michael Connelly entitled The Lincoln Lawyer. Trish at Hey Lady Whatcha’Readin? has a review of The Help and loved the...
by Stormie OmartianPaperback: 128 pagesPublisher: Harvest House Publishers (February 1, 2009)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0736924108ISBN-13: 978-0736924108Imagine how handy it would be to have a book with all the words that Jesus spoke while He was here on earth. Even better would be if it was arranged by subject to make it easier to use. This is that resource! It's pocket size/purse size and you'll find...
I wanted to post a few love poems that I was seemed appropriate for the day. ;)A Love Poem of HopePosted: 14 Feb 2009 07:04 AM PST(Author: John Piper)A Love Poem of Hope in Seven Languagesfor my wife NoëlValentines Day, 2009 My love, come listen as I seekWith seven tongues, and hope, on yourSweet soul to let our Sovereign speak:Je suis avec...
Faith 'n Fiction Saturday: The Love of GodThis week Amy of My Friend Amy fame poses a more Valentine Day question for Faith'n Fiction.Today's Discussion:Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Since it's the day of love and all, what better time to focus on the Giver of Love? Besides the Bible, have you ever read a book that taught you, reminded you, or encouraged you...
Happy Valentines Everyone!! Whether you're celebrating with your sweetie, or spending it alone. Remember to treat yourself too. We all need a daily dose of telling ourselves that we love ourselves. It's not ego or being self-centered, it's very simply an affirmation that we are worthwhile...and we need to hear that from ourselves now and again. For those of you who are single...
I've just drawn the winners for the "Run For Your Life" giveaway...and they are....drumroll please.....are ya ready???????wanting to shoot me yet????:)EstellaRhapsodyInBooksNhertel85The winners have been emailed and have 72 hours to send me their mailing addresses...if for some reason they don't respond I'll draw an alternate prize winner.Congrats to the winners! ...
By Diana Kirschnew, PhDHardcover: 336 pagesPublisher: Center Street (January 2, 2009)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1599951223ISBN-13: 978-1599951225 "In LOVE IN 90 DAYS, Dr. Diana reveals the secrets to finding Mr. Right and the crucial steps single women can take to create fulfilling love that lasts. Most singles unconsciously make the same mistakes over and over again in love, regardless of age, work success, or the type...
By Lori FosterMass Market Paperback: 352 pagesPublisher: Berkley (January 27, 2009)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0425226298ISBN-13: 978-0425226292"On the verge of a title shot match, fighter Michael “Mallet” Manchester is injured in a car accident. And just as quickly as his career was taking off, it’s over. Then Kaylie Raine appears, offering him a second chance at becoming whole. Even though Mallet thinks it’s the pain medication...
By Dan SimmonsMass Market Paperback: 992 pagesPublisher: Little, Brown and Company; Reprint edition (January 1, 2009)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0316008079ISBN-13: 978-0316008075"The men on board HMS Terror have every expectation of finding the Northwest Passage. When the expedition's leader, Sir John Franklin, meets a terrible death, Captain Francis Crozier takes command and leads his surviving crewmen on a last, desperate attempt to flee south across the...
By D.E. BoonePaperback: 112 pagesPublisher: Global Force Media LLC; 1st edition (February 14, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0979745349ISBN-13: 978-0979745348This book is too much fun!! This is a definite guilty pleasure that you all need. This small, short book is a quick read, but one that I'm sure you'll go back to again and again. It's an entire relationship that you can see and read about...
By Bobbie HinmanIllustrated by Kristi BridgemanReading level: Ages 3-7Hardcover: 32 pagesPublisher: Best Fairy Books; Har/Com edition (June 15, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0978679113ISBN-13: 978-0978679118 I received this gorgeous picture book from the author today and I just couldn't wait to have a peek inside it! This is a delightful story about a fairy who decorates his home, and finds a use for all those socks...
By Jennifer CrusieMass Market Paperback: 272 pagesPublisher: HQN Books; Reprint edition (December 1, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0373773234ISBN-13: 978-0373773237"Lucy Savage is finally getting rid of Bradley—and his hideous green recliner. Bradley is out of her life for good. Or so she thinks. Turns out Officer Zack Warren wants to arrest the very same Bradley for embezzlement and figures the lovely Lucy can lead him straight...
The Mailbox Monday meme is hosted by Marcia of The Printed Page.These are the books that I received the week of 2/1 - 2/7Last week was a crazy week of book receiving! Below you'll find the unbelieveable list!Monday: Grace For The Afflicted, The ShackTuesday:Undercover Alien, Hotel On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, Your Brain on JoyWednesday: When Evil Came to Good Hart,...
Trish at Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin’? participated in a meme earlier this week that looked like a lot of fun – so I joined in and now it’s my turn. Here’s the way it works – if you thinks this looks like fun just leave me a comment about my choices. I’ll randomly assign everyone a letter and then it’s their turn to...
Hi everyone! It's time for a weekly round up of the places I've been in blogland this past week.I was highly entertained when I stopped by Hey Lady Whatcha Readin? and read her reviews on some childrens books. Entitled "Would You Let Your Kids Read These Books?" . I'd bet all of these books would have you and the little ones you read...
By Joyce Meyer (author) and Sandra McCollum (reader)Audio CDPublisher: Hachette Audio; Unabridged edition (November 12, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1600241786ISBN-13: 978-1600241789I've always like Joyce Meyer because of her down to earth common sense. This audio book from her is no exception. I don't think any of the advice she gives is either earth shattering or new. She takes very down to earth advice and pairs...
Hmmmm this is one very different way to use Cheetos.....Thanks to Demi Moore via twitter for this link... ...
I was tagged by Donna at Write by Faith for a little photo meme. Here are the rules:Find your 5th photo file folder,then the 5th photo in that file folder.Post that picture on your blog.Tag 5 others to do the same.Here’s my picture: It's my oldest son Matt and his fiancee' Lauren , right after he gave her the ring! Now for the...
by Michael ShillingHachette Book Group (January 9, 2009)ISBN-10: 0316031925ISBN-13: 978-0316031929400 pagesThis is the story of the Blood Orphans The Blood Orphans are a rock band in serious decline. At one time they had it all and were on the road to rock and roll stardom. Then they had one horrible review and everything went south from there.The book highlights their very last day...
Drumroll please!And now for the inaugural book giveaway here on Marta's Meanderings! Courtesy of Miriam at Hachette books I have 3 copies of Run For Your Life by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge to give away.Here's what you have to do!You get one entry for simply posting a comment.You get another entry for following this blog.You get another entry for following me on...
By James Patterson & Michael LedwidgeHardcover: 384 pagesPublisher: Little, Brown and Company (February 2, 2009)ISBN-10: 0316018740ISBN-13: 978-0316018746This book is another great thriller from James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge . A cold-hearted killer who calls himself The Teacher is taking out the rich and the obnoxious people of New York City. As one body after another turns up murdered and a city is up...
Mailbox Monday is hosted by The Printed Page.Last week I got a ton of books.Monday: I received Boneman's DaughtersTuesday: I received Drood, Run For Your LifeWednesday: I received A Quiet FlameThursday: I received I Smile Back and Life Against All OddsFriday I got God is My Coach, 8 Steps to Create The Life You Want, and The Art of Compassion from Hachette Books....
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