
Review of The Justice Game by Randy Singer

10:39 AM

The Justice Game
by Randy Singer

Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers (June 15, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1414316348
ISBN-13: 978-1414316345
Description (Publisher)After the target of an investigative report storms a Virginia Beach television station, he kills one of the anchors before the SWAT team takes him down. Following the victim’s funeral, her family files a lawsuit against the gun company who manufactured the killer’s weapon of choice. The lawyers for the plaintiff and defendant—Kelly Starling and Jason Noble—are young, charismatic, and successful. They’re also easy blackmail targets, both harboring a personal secret so devastating it could destroy their careers. Millions of dollars—and more than a few lives—are at stake. But as Kelly and Jason battle each other, they discover that the real fight is with unseen forces intent on controlling them both.

Author Bio

Randy Singer is a critically acclaimed author and veteran trial attorney.He has penned nine legal thrillers, including his award-winning debut novel Directed Verdict. In addition to his law practice and writing, Randy serves as a teaching pastor for Trinity Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He calls it his "Jekyll and Hyde thing"—part lawyer, part pastor. He also teaches classes in advocacy and ethics at Regent Law School and serves on the school's Board of Visitors. He and his wife, Rhonda, live in Virginia Beach. They have two grown children. Visit his Web site at www.randysinger.net.

This latest book by Randy Singer was inspired by real events that took place which made it a bit more interesting than your average legal thriller. Add to that the fact that he had readers vote for the verdict and then went with the majority and you have a book that proves to be very interesting. Singer is kind of the Christian genre's version of John Grisham and his books are just as suspenseful.
I liked this book once I got into it, it started off with a bang and then kind of stalled a bit for me. Once it got going again though it was one that I had a hard time putting down. I do have to say that I was trying to read this on a flight to California, so I may have been more distracted through some of it than the average reader so that might be why I had trouble. For the majority of the book it was really an excellent book.The book focuses on the issue of gun control and Singer does an excellent job of laying out both sides of the issue. I think readers will really find this a fun, exciting, suspenseful read well worth their time.

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