
Review for My Story Bible

11:56 AM

My Story Bible

by Jan Godfrey, Paola Bertolini Grudina Anno Domini

Description (Publisher)
This is a true story book. The 4-color bright and charming art will attract kids, but the way the writer makes the beloved 66 Bible stories come alive will keep them coming back. The book is written from a storyteller’s perspective; the imaginative writing makes the characters from the Bible come alive and piques kids’ interest about the word of God. The repetitive style helps kids remember the stories.

The people in the Bible come alive in this wonderful storybook. It is filled with bright, charming art and 66 favorite stories from God's Word. Children will enjoy hearing these Bible stories: the action, the adventure, and most of all God's love and care for h is people. Get ready to read these stories over and over again as your child learns more about God and finds a favorite story from the Bible.


This is just the sweetest book! I was blown away by the artwork in it. This will definitely appeal to your young children and would be the perfect bedtime story book. The stories are short with excellent pictures with it - just the right length to hold your child's attention.

The book is hardcover and very durable, and should be able to withstand the attention of even small children. The sturdy pages and the hard cover are made to last.

It's very suitable for gift giving, or just to keep for your own family. Each story has accompanying artwork that is very cute that will hold your child's interest. There are 66 stories that are in order from Genesis to Revelations and are written in an easy to read and understand manner - which is perfect for young children.

this book offers a wonderful opportunity to share God's Word with your child or with those you gift with this book. Your children will enjoy hearing these stories over and over and have a repetitive style that will make them easy to remember.

Personally, I have a granddaughter about to be born and I think this would make the perfect baby gift. It's never to early to start reading them these stories and making them familiar with God's Word.

Click on the link below to take a peek inside the book for yourself. I'm sure you'll also fall in love with the artwork!

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