
Review of "The Diet Doc's Guide To Permanent Weight Loss: Secrets to Metabolic Transformation"

12:21 AM

by Joe Klemczewski, PhD & J. Scott Uloth, MD

Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers (December 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0736924655
ISBN-13: 978-0736924658

Description (Publisher Website)

Diet books have become a genre unto themselves as people anxious to shed those extra pounds seek that one perfect plan. Oh sure, they’ve found such a plan before....in fact, several times before, as they shed unwanted weight....only to gain it back within a few months.

It’s frustrating following a diet only to end up failing in the end—losing that same twenty pounds over and over again.

But now Drs. Scott Uloth and Joe Klemczewski put an end to yo–yo dieting by giving their readers what they need most: control!

The Diet Docs’® plan brings complex metabolic physiology within the grasp of the average reader. A plan...

  • With over ten years of clinical success
  • Field tested on everyone from housewives to professional athletes
  • That’s “attainable and sustainable”
  • Easily implemented with no complicated formula to decrypt
  • Combining the latest scientific information and how to apply it
  • That encourages the reader to become their own nutritionist

The last diet book anyone will need....written by a family physician and a professional bodybuilder and nutritionist to the world’s top bodybuilders and women’s figure competitors.

Read An Excerpt

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Author Bio

Dr. Klemczewski

Dr. Klemczewski has multiple degrees health sciences including a PhD in health educat

ion. He is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a drug-free professional bodybuilder (WNBF).

Dr. Joe is currently working on his fourth book while maintaining a very active client load. For the last eight years Joe has been a contributing science editor for Chelo Publishing, a health and fitness magazine publisher in New York, is contributor for eDiets, and writes for MatureMensFitness.com.

Dr Scott Uloth

Dr Scott Uloth is Board certified in both Geriatrics and Family Medicine and maintains an active practice in Indiana. He also serves as a clinical instructor for Midwestern University and the Indiana University School of Medicine. He lives with his wife and family in southern Indiana.


With the rate of obesity rising higher and higher in our country, this book couldn't be more on target. While some information may seem like it's the same 'heard that, done that' diet book, this book lays out a plan to help you understand your own personal metabolism and come up with a diet that works for YOU!

The book is written in a way that the average person can understand and easily implement the ideas in the book. You'll learn how to be your own nutritionist after reading this wonderful book. While tracking your intake will take some work, it eventually becomes much easier. The author's also offer you ways of problem solving if things don't seem to be working. The main point is that you work this plan around your individual metabolism to get it to work.

For those readers who have purchased many diet books in the past to find that after awhile it was too difficult to maintain, or they just didn't make any sense, this is the book for you! If you read this book and put into motion the ideas presented, you have results. So what are you waiting for???

Click here to visit Powell's Books!

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