
Blog Tour and Review of Daniel X: Watch The Skies by James Patterson & Ned Rust

5:55 PM

Daniel X: Watch The Skies

by James Patterson & Ned Rust

Reading level: Young Adult
Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; 1 edition (July 27, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0316036188
ISBN-13: 978-0316036184

The first book in the series, The Dangerous Days of Daniel X, told the story of a teen with secret powers who hunts aliens and protects the Earth. It was read and loved by adult and kid readers alike, including the toughest customers of all – boys!

Now, Patterson introduces his second novel in the series,
Daniel X: Watch the Skies. In this story, an evil outer-space outlaw named Number Five comes to a small town on Earth intending to produce an intergalactic version of “Survivor,” with a twist: every human in the town will be eliminated. Daniel finds himself on a quest to stop Number Five and his alien crew, not just to save the world, but to save himself.

Description (Author's Website)

Daniel X takes on the wildest threat the world has ever seen—someone whose craving for fame could destroy the planet!

All's quiet in the small town of Holliswood. Television sets, computers, and portable devices are aglow in every home, classroom, and store. Yet not all is perfect. Evil is lurking, just out of sight, behind the screen.

Residing in this sleepy town is a villain with more ambition than the world can withstand. Twisted beyond reason, he is dead set on throwing Holliswood into chaos and documenting the destruction of every person in it, including Daniel X.

The only person who can stop this made-for-TV tyrant, Daniel must use his extraordinary power to save the town. But this devilish director has assembled an all-star team of his own creation and vows to stage the most spectacular finale the world has ever seen. Can Daniel X stop this deranged outlaw—or will he find himself on the cutting room floor?

Also available as a Hachette AudioBook and eBook

Thanks to Mom Central and Hachette Book Group for giving me the opportunity to participate in this blog tour!

This book was rollicking good fun page after page! This second installment in the Daniel X series will not disappoint it's fans. I'm not the biggest sci fi fan, but this book was one imaginative alien/monster fight after another and was nothing else but great fun. This book made me wish I had kids to get interested in this series. You won't be disappointed and neither will your young readers. This is the best kind of end of summer escapism!

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