
Review and Blog Tour for Too Many Visitors for One Little House by Susan Chodakiewitz

12:39 AM

Susan Chodakiewitz is a writer, composer and producer. She is the founder of Booksicals Children’s Books- Encouraging the love of reading through the arts. Through her company Booksicals she has created the Booksicals on Stage literacy program which is currently presenting musical performances of the picture book Too Many Visitors for One Little House at schools, libraries, and special events.

Susan lives in Los Angeles in a lively household filled with music, three sons, a husband, a Dalmatian and lots of visitors. Susan loves picture books and when she wrote a musical based on one of her favorites, she realized it was time to start writing her own picture books. Too Many Visitors for One Little House is Susan’s debut book. You can visit her website at www.booksicals.com.

The crabby neighbors of El Camino can’t bear all the music, fun and laughter at the house of the new family on the block as aunts, uncles, cousins and grannies arrive for a big noisy reunion. Too Many Visitors for One Little House is a joyful story about the importance of being included..


The neighbors of El Camino Street did not like pets. They did not like kids. They did not like people with big families. They never had any guests and spent their day cleaning their houses, tending their gardens, and snoozing on their porches.

When the new family on the block moved in — a mom, a dad, three kids, and a fish—the neighbors kept an eye out for trouble. Yet life remained as
usual...until the day the visitors arrived.


Susan Chodakiewitz’s TOO MANY VISITORS FOR ONE LITTLE HOUSE VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR ‘09 will officially begin on July 6 and end on July 31. You can visit Susan’s blog stops at www.virtualbooktours.wordpress.com during the month of July to find out more about this great book and talented author!


Pump Up Your Book Promotion would like to thank the following sponsors of Susan Chodakiewitz's TOO MANY VISITORS FOR ONE LITTLE HOUSE VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR '09:

Into the Wardrobe l Pets and Their Authors l Between the Covers l Divine Caroline l The Unadorned Book Review l Mom's Not All l Introducing WRITERS Radio Show with Kim Smith l Mozie Esme l A Book and a Chat Radio Show with Barry Eva l The Writer's Life l Beyond the Books l Blogcritics l Lady D Books l Joyfully Retired l American Chronicle l Brimful Curiosities l Marta's Meanderings l The Review from Here l Write for a Reader l The Book Connection l The Book Faery Reviews l As the Pages Turn l Books and Needlepoint l

As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors’ blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available.


I love reviewing picture books because they are just plain fun! They also remind me of when my kids were little and we'd read books together. Too Many Visitors For One Little House is definitely going on my list of fav picture books I want to read to my grandchildren. It's fun, the illustrations are wonderful and to top it off they have a MUSICAL version of the book on the website. Your kids will be giggling and reading along and probably hollering "Too Many Visitors for One Little House!!" when it's called for. This book is delightful and I hope to see more from this author and her "Booksicals". And make sure you check out the author's website because they are offering a summer special where you can get the music for FREE!! That's one heck of a summer special and one I jumped on!

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