Review of Better Birth: The Ultimate Guide to Childbirth from Home Births to Hospitals
12:42 AMby Denise Spatafora
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (April 6, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470255617
ISBN-13: 978-0470255612
Description (Back Cover)
Pregnancy should be a time of joy and celebration. But if you're not emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually prepared for childbirth, it can also be a time of stress and anxiety. This groundbreaking book takes the fear out of labor and delivery and arms you with the knowledge to have an informed, safe, and peaceful birth. Better Birth will be the one resource that you can turn to again and again to get all your questions answered and feel empowered during your birthing process. Birthing expert Denise Spatafora shows you how to prepare yourself to have the childbirth you want, whether you choose to deliver your baby in a hospital, birthing center, or at home. She shows you how to tap into your mind-body connection to draw upon natural relaxation methods that promote a childbirth experience that is beautiful and fulfilling, rather than frightening. If you're pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, you and your baby deserve a better birth.
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This is a wonderful resource for expectant parents that will leave women and their partners educated, empowered and able to trust themselves and their choices throughout the birthing process. The book will help women to choose which medications they should take, choose who is present in the delivery room, and expectant parents will be able to learn to prepare themselves physically and mentally to have a wonderful birthing experience.
What I'd like to know is where was Denise Spatafora 25 years ago when I was having my kids? This book is wonderful. It walks you through everything! It helps you prepare yourself emotionally for what is going to happen so you know step by step how labor will progress. Denise gives you ideas for things to do if you find out your baby is in the breech position. This book is chock full of wonderful insights and information that you need to make informed decisions at every step of your child's birth.
This book helps you maintain control of what is happening and what is going to happen to you, your body and your baby. Reading this book will help you understand your options about different types of delivery, about relaxation techniques and how they benefit you and your child. Denise also discusses communicating with your baby in the first hours and days after birth. Quite simply she has thought of everything! I'm not sure there is anything more comprehensive, and yet easily understood out there.

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