
Review of Your Life in Rhythm

1:24 AM

by Bruce Miller

Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers (June 15, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1414319770
ISBN-13: 978-1414319773

Description (Publisher Website)

Your Life in Rhythm offers a realistic solution to our crazy, overly-busy, stressed lives. Miller exposes the myth of living a “balanced” life, and offers “rhythmic living” as a new paradigm for relieving guilt and stress, while accomplishing more of what matters most in life. Rhythmic living details six practical strategies for living a more fulfilling life.
Instead of managing time, Miller suggests that we flow with life, living in tune with the natural rhythms of nature. By applying the rhythm strategies, we can reduce stress, frustration, and guilt while increasing fulfillment and inner peace. The point is not to balance all of our responsibilities at one time, but to focus attention on what matters most at different times. Although this sounds easy enough, the six strategies he outlines are crucial to helping the reader to achieve this goal.
Miller helps us to understand the stages and seasons of life we all experience over a lifetime. This new understanding, when applied, will solve time-management problems and help readers to let go of misplaced priorities and relieve their overbooked lifestyle. The rhythm solution, in short, brings freedom.
In a nutshell:
  • Helps readers think through their overbooked lifestyle.
  • Presents a new way of thinking about life management.
  • Helps readers to let go of misplaced priorities.
  • Helps readers understand the seasons of life and adjust their expectations.
  • Presents rhythm “solution process” for common time management issues.
Author Bio
Bruce B. Miller is the founder and senior pastor of McKinney Fellowship. He studied at the University of Texas at Austin; the University of Texas at Dallas; and Dallas Theological Seminary, where he taught theology for four years. Bruce also speaks and consults, and he founded the Center for Church Based Training, where he served as chairman of the board for twelve years. He is the coauthor of The Leadership Baton. Bruce and his wife, Tamara, were married in 1983 and have been blessed with five children—four boys and a girl. The Millers reside in McKinney, Texas.


The subtitle of this book says:

"Less stress, more Peace
Less frustration, more Fulfillment
Less discouragement, more Hope"

and that's exactly what this book is about. It's about living in sync with our surroundings and world and making your life much less complicated and stressful. This book helps you understand that being able to manage life, your marriage, children, jobs, travel, etc is next thing to impossible. Learning to understand how God created the world to work and learning to work with it and not against it will help you get through the stress of everyday life.

While this book definitely is Christian in genre, everyone will benefit from what Miller talks about in his book. This isn't some new age mysticism, but scientific fact. In the book Miller states:

"We live in a large ecosystem that moves rhythmically in seasons, tides, currents and seasons. We can fight them or follow them.

When we try to live as if natural cycles did not exist, as if all time progressed in a uniform, linear fashion, we frustrate ourselves and increase our stress."
This book will help you to realize your limit points, help you learn to look forward in life instead of to the past, and help restore harmony to your busy life. Miller encourages us, and helps us learn, to enjoy the different seasons of our lives. Don't let the unpredictability of life to cause undue stress, learn to be flexible and flow with the changes instead of fighting against them.

This book is an important read for anyone who has stress in their life, regardless of the source, to help them learn to live a more balanced, healthy and harmonious life.

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