christian romance

Review of The Perfect Life

4:58 PM
by Robin Lee HatcherPaperback: 302 pagesPublisher: Thomas Nelson (February 5, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1595541489ISBN-13: 978-1595541482Description (Publisher Website)Katherine Clarkson has the perfect life. Married to Brad, a loving and handsome husband, respected in their church and the community. Two grown daughters on the verge of starting families of their own. A thriving ministry. Good friends. A comfortable life.She has it all--until the day a reporter...



Blog Tour and Review for "Miss L'eau" by T. Katz

5:06 AM

Kid's Activity Calendar Freebies Just in Time For School

8:13 PM
Do you have a child who's starting school soon, or maybe you're planning to home school? It's never too early to give them a head start. School starts in only a few short weeks, which means you still have time to help them get prepared. To help you out, Kid's Activity Calendar is giving away a pretty nice kit of activities around the...


Blog Tour and Review of "When Someone You Love Has Cancer" by Cecil Murphey

8:57 AM
birth control

Review and Blog Tour for Religion Saves: And Nine Other Misconceptions by Mark Driscoll

12:00 PM
Hardcover: 288 pagesPublisher: Crossway Books (June 30, 2009)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1433506165ISBN-13: 978-1433506161After 343,203 online votes on the Mars Hill Church website, nine questions for Pastor Mark Driscoll emerged as the ones most urgently calling for answers. Inspired by 1 Corinthians, in which Paul answers a series of questions posed by the people in the Corinthian church, Pastor Mark Driscoll set out to determine the...


arizona cardinals

Review of "First Things First: The Rules of Being A Warner" by Kurt & Brenda Warner

3:16 AM

Great Wedding Entrance

12:47 AM
Ok for anyone who hasn't seen this, this is a great video! Quite honestly all I could think when I was watching it was that it looked like great fun! Add to Technorati Favorites ...



Review and Blog Tour for Too Many Visitors for One Little House by Susan Chodakiewitz

12:39 AM
Susan Chodakiewitz is a writer, composer and producer. She is the founder of Booksicals Children’s Books- Encouraging the love of reading through the arts. Through her company Booksicals she has created the Booksicals on Stage literacy program which is currently presenting musical performances of the picture book Too Many Visitors for One Little House at schools, libraries, and special events. Susan lives in...



9:14 PM
I just found out that Missy @ Missy's Book Nook gave me the Your Blog Is Enchanted award. This is already a stressful week and really helped brighten my day ;) Thanks Missy! The only requirement for this award is that you share it with whomever you like ... sharing the love is always a good thing. The blog has to show only...


children's book

Review and Blog Tour for "The Sword and the Flute (Matterhorn the Brave Series #1)" by Mike Hamel

1:53 AM
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Every year we lose more people to AIDS. It hasn't disappeared and it's not going away anytime soon. I urge you to seek out and support your local AIDS Organizations. Encourage everyone you know to practice safe sex and to get tested once a year. Even if you don't think you are at risk, get tested. I didn't think I was at risk either, and I almost died before I was diagnosed.
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