Original Release Date: May 19, 2009
Number of Discs: 1
Label: S-Curve Records
ASIN: B0024RI70M
I reviewed this CD and I have to say that I am definitely a fan of Ms. Birch now! The CD is very folksy and bluesy, and really hard to describe her style and voice. I've included some info about the CD and as it says she kind of has a Carole King/Stevie Nicks/Linda Ronstadt thing going on...then throw in some Joss Stone and you might come close. Go grab a copy and listen for yourself, you won't be disappointed. You won't hear any heavy metal or hard rock on this CD, but you will hard some gorgeous vocals and that laid back bluesy feel.
Keep Reading Below to Learn More About Diane
For singer-songwriter Diane Birch music was a refuge. Although Diane was born in Michigan, her childhood was spent on the move, as the daughter of a preacher, living between Zimbabwe, South Africa and Australia, before her parents finally settled in Portland, Oregon when she was in her early teens, Diane absorbed a unique and very cosmopolitan perspective on life that shines through her music and makes a simple categorization of it impossible. Keep reading about how Diane got her start...
Diane Birch sounds like an old favorite, with all the sparkle and magic of a breakthrough talent. People says she sounds like a combination of early Carole King, Linda Ronstadt and Stevie Nicks, with a little Joss Stone and Cat Power mixed in. Bible Belt is only her first record, but it’s one of the most accomplished albums you’ll hear all year.
From the opening track “Fire Escape” to the closing “Magic View,” Diane’s stunning voice is mesmerizing.
Written entirely by Diane, Bible Belt was recorded in New York City and New Orleans and produced by the impressive Grammy-winning team who reunited for the first time since producing Joss Stone’s first albums.
The result is an instant classic, mixing brilliant piano playing with easy-going soul, gospel, blues, and much more. Equally inspired by Carole King as she is by Jerry Lee Lewis and Elton John, Diane creates her own sound with exceptional songwriting. Her performance on the piano, Rhodes, Wurlitzer and Farfisa showcases an extraordinary ability, but her melodies and lyrics put her in a league of her own. How awesome is she? Prince once saw her play and was intrigued enough to invite her out to jam with him and his band at his home!!!

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Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Forever (June 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0446178241
ISBN-13: 978-0446178242
Description (Publisher)
Alexandrine Marit is a witch in mortal danger. An evil mage craves the powerful, mysterious talisman that supplies her magic, and the only person who can keep her safe is a dark and dangerous fiend called Xia. With his fierce animosity toward witches, he's hardly the ideal bodyguard. Yet as days turn into nights, she can't deny the white-hot passion between them.
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This book is hot! hot! hot! This book just plain sizzles and is fun to read. First of all the cover is great ( I'm a total sucker for good covers), and then book is non-stop action from beginning to end with a lot of romance thrown into the mix. Who knew inter-species romances could be so good?
The characters are great in this book and the romance sizzles without being gratuitous. The story keeps moving and with every page there is another twist and turn that will make it difficult for the reader to put the book down. Whether you're a paranormal romance fan or not, this is just a fun book and one that you won't be able to put down once you start it.

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