Review of Extraordinary by John Bevere

1:13 PM

Extraordinary: The Life You're Meant to Live by John Bevere
Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: WaterBrook Press (October 6, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0307457729
ISBN-13: 978-0307457721

Description (Publisher)

There’s a question that troubles many believers: “Why am I not experiencing more joy, more hope, more satisfaction, more intimacy, more power, more everything in my Christian life--didn’t Jesus promise that?”
He did promise an abundant life, but too many people are trapped by the curse of “the ordinary.” They have accepted the wrong idea that following God means losing individuality, creativity, and a passion for achieving lofty goals.
Nothing could be further from the truth! John Bevere builds a convincing case, straight from Scripture, for a way of living marked by extraordinary experiences and accomplishments—the life God always intended for his children.
Here is a guide to understanding God’s incredible plans, and how to enjoy a life where he adds the “extra” to “ordinary.”
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Author Bio

John Bevere is an internationally popular conference speaker, teacher, and author of bestsellers, including The Bait of Satan, Drawing Near, and Driven by Eternity. His award-winning curriculum and books have been translated in over sixty languages and his weekly television program, The Messenger, is broadcast around the world. John and his wife, Lisa—also a bestselling author and speaker—reside with their family in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Visit his ministry website at

There are a lot of self-help books out on the market that propose to tell you how to be successful, which I was prepared for this to be. I was very pleasantly mistaken. This book was wonderful to read. It opened my eyes to letting God into my everyday life, in everything I do. This book is about being successful, in the important areas of your life. These aren't necessarily the areas that the rest of the world would have you believe are important though. John Bevere, through personal stories and Biblical references helps the reader to see that they are indeed meant to have an extraordinary life. I heartily recommend this book. I came away inspired to change my thinking and live a much more inspired, grace filled life.

This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.

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