A Whole New Me

9:10 PM

In May I had major surgery (a panniculectomy ), in August the entire family (pic) flew out to California for my sons wedding (so I gained another gorgeous daughter-in-law), then the end of November I moved back into my own apartment, and a week later my beautiful little granddaughter Emma was born. I am definitely a very blessed woman!

In the past two years since I checked myself into the nursing home I've lost 185# which I'm very proud of myself for. I havent' had weight loss surgery and instead I opted for some really intense PT and working on reducing my caloric intake.

Since I've been home I've struggled more as I knew I would. I also know that I have to make some real lifestyle changes, instead of drifting back to where I was before. One of the things that I've struggled with is spending so much time either reading or on the computer composing reviews. I somehow needed to combine the reviewing with a new more aware, fit lifestyle. After a lot of thought I have a plan!

One of the first things is that you'll be seeing a lot more of my daily struggle with moving more and eating less. I'm going to be accountable to my blog and to all of you. I'm going to get very real, and very honest. My hope is that you'll feel like jumping into the conversation with me.

I'm going to start by changing the focus of my reviewing. I love reading novels but right now they aren't helping me get to where I want to be. So while you'll still see reviews of great fiction here (mostly because I can't pass up on a great book!), but I'm going to refocus on books about diet, cooking, weight-loss, and anything else that will help me become a better me...both on the inside and the outside.

I'm going to start with a new look for the blog and a new name - and I'll be rolling those out in the next week or so. New year, new look, new more healthy and fit Marta.

I hope that you'll stick with me, and hopefully I'll give you some information that you can use in your daily life.

I have some great books, dvd's and other healthier lifestyle resources that I'm going to share with you in the coming weeks - and I hope you tell me about the things that inspire you to stay fit and healthy.

A Whole New Me!
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