
What's going on?

2:31 PM

Wondering why I'm posting review after review? Well here's the scoop ;)

You might have noticed that I was a bit MIA for a while...well I spent a week in the hospital and came back to discover that our internet was down...and continued to be down for the next two weeks! FRUSTRATION! Not only was I missing a lot of book tours and reviews that I had made commitments for, my crops withered and died in Farmville! **GASP**

Over the next couple of days you'll be seeing quite a few reviews hopefully as I somehow catch up ;)

On the more personal front, I'm recovered from my stay in the hospital (another bout of cellulitis - YUCK!) The only good thing about cellulitis is that I get some interesting pain meds while I'm in the hospital :)

We had a baby shower for my upcoming grandchild in October yet, so all of my kids were home for the weekend - YIPPEE!! I hadn't seen them all since the wedding trip so that was fun.

I just got my flu shot and my H1N1 shot...I haven't had horrible side effects but I did have a few...very mild though.

I'm in the process of finding an apartment and getting out of this place...hopefully in the next couple of weeks. It's been a long and frustrating process, so I'll be glad to get moved and out of this place.

And best of all...my beautiful daughter in law only has a couple of weeks to go before the birth of my first grandchild and I am beyond excited! They are expecting a little girl - Emma Kay - and we're all on pins and needles waiting for her arrival. Christmas is going to be fun this year!

So you can see there are lots of exciting things going on at my house at the moment - upcoming move and the grandbaby. On top of that the holidays are fast approaching and I can't wait to get into my own place and start decorating!

Let me know what's going on with all of you!

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Every year we lose more people to AIDS. It hasn't disappeared and it's not going away anytime soon. I urge you to seek out and support your local AIDS Organizations. Encourage everyone you know to practice safe sex and to get tested once a year. Even if you don't think you are at risk, get tested. I didn't think I was at risk either, and I almost died before I was diagnosed.
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