
11:00 AM
Faith n Fiction SaturdayIt's time once again for Faith n Fiction Saturday and Amy of My Friend Amy has posed the following questions for this week.This Week's Question: You have a good friend who is a devoted Christian and voracious reader. He or she, however, tried to read a Christian fiction book in the past and found it to be too preachy and...


I Signed Up For The Chunkster Challenge!

10:55 PM
I finally made up my mind to take the challenge on this one. I've seen soooo many challenges out there and decided this one was do-able. I'm going to do the "Does This Make My Butt Look Big?" challenge which requires me to read 3-5 chunkster books over the next 10 months.Here's the rules:*A chunkster is 450 pages or more of ADULT literature...


I Got Proprosed To!!!

1:44 PM
OK...OK...so it was from an 88 yo man with Altzheimers...it was still a proposal. Here's how the conversation went. This took place in the front lobby after I picked up a tissue he'd dropped.( Names have been changed to protect the innocent)Bill: Will You marry me? you're prettyme: uh no....I'm sorryBill: Why the heck not? I'd make it good for you (with a...


"Wintergirls" give-away!

11:37 AM

Ten Powerful Phrases for Positive People

11:00 PM
by Rich DeVosThis is a small book that really packs a punch! Rich DeVos , the co-founder of Amway and Chairman of the NBA Orlando Magic, believes in maintaining a positive attitude and offering encouragement to others. He's spent years as a motivational speaker and traveling the country meeting people from all walks of life. In this book he's sharing his knowledge of...


AAAAAGHHHH!!! Computers!

8:34 PM
Some days I hate technology! I have a wireless keyboard and mouse which have performed wonderfully. Until this morning. I rebooted my pc...and no keyboard or mouse. Finally after I replugged them in for the tenth time I realized that it wasn't going to work! I flagged down our maintenance guy Phil....and he grabbed me a spare keyboard he had, but no mouse....


A New Me is Emerging

10:14 PM
I've talked briefly about the fact that I'm losing weight. I've done a radical thing by most people's standards and checked myself into a nursing home for intense PT and dietary help. Since November of 2007 I've lost 170# as of today's weigh in. The two pics on the left are the before pics and the two on the right are fairly current...


Review of The Family Bones

11:00 AM
By Kimberly Raiser"Will they stay? Will they survive? The Weavers have inherited family property in Astral, Pennsylvania, a town so small that Mrs. Weaver can find no mention of it on the Internet, save for a tiny spot on Google Earth. Hoping for a simpler, small-town existence for their young family, Steven and Tara eagerly head to Astral to see what they hope...


Marta's Meanderings Through Bookland

11:20 PM
I just posted my first book review on the Supermoms group on Twittermoms. How fun! I was asked to post them by Lana. What a privelege to share with a group of busy moms some books that might brighten their day. I'm hopefully going to be able to post this weekly! ...


Review: Things I've Learned From Women Who've Dumped Me

11:00 AM
edited by Ben KarlinThis is a great anthology of short stories about relationships. It's fun and snarky. We've all been in relationships and I'm sure you'll recognize something from the book. If nothing else it really shows us that we all have bad, crappy relationships and we all live through them and usually end up laughing about them. This book was a quick...


Review of Harriet and Isabella

9:50 PM
by Patricia O'BrienIn this book O'brien has brought to life the Beecher family, one of the most influential families of the 19th century. The book focuses on the relationship between Harriet and Isabella. Harriet was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin and Isabella was a proponent of women's rights. When a scandal threatens their families reputation they come to an impasse that almost...


Review of The Gift Of Psalms

6:57 PM
Devotional Wisdom from 50 of the Best Loved Psalmsfeaturing Devotionals by Lori JonesThis is such an exceptional audio book I don't know where to start. The 3 CD's come packaged in a beautiful book with the cd's at the back. In the front, thick, creamy pages hold the text of the psalm and also a devotional to go along with each Psalm. This...


Enroute To Life Giveaway

11:04 AM
Head on over to Enroute To Life for a great February LOVE giveaway! Although if none of you go....that means there is a better chance that I'll win....hmmmmmmmmmmm now I'm wondering why I posted this.......? Head on over to Enroute To Life for a great February LOVE giveaway! Although if none of you go....that means there is a better chance that I'll win....hmmmmmmmmmmm...


It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's....

7:55 PM
Aretha's hat!I just couldn't get over the hat...and apparently people have calling to order a copy of it. It's only $179!! HMMMMMM....nope I'm not going to get one... ...


Sunday Musings

3:55 PM
I received an interesting email today from "Word of Life". This weeks devotional piece was written by Steven K. Scott author of "The Greatest Words Ever Spoken". In it he talks about how a few years ago the rage was everyone wearing bracelets and t-shirts with the lettters WWJD on them, which stands for What Would Jesus Do.In this piece he says the...


Marta's Meanderings: Weekly Link Up for week of January 24th#links#links#links

2:35 AM
Marta's Meanderings: Weekly Link Up for week of January 24th#links#links#links Marta's Meanderings: Weekly Link Up for week of January 24th#links#links#links ...


Weekly Link Up for week of January 24th

8:03 PM
Over this past week I've had to opportunity to read some great blog posts. So I thought I'd let you know what interesting things I was reading around the book blogging realm. These are in no certain order just how I pulled them out of my notes ;)If you're at all a Civil War buff or enjoy historical fiction then you're going to...


Faith n' Fiction Saturday

2:32 AM
This is the first time I've participated in this so I hope that I get it right! Amy at My Friend Amy posed the question "What's on your keeper shelf".My keeper books would be any and all John Piper books. I've really come to love his books. They really make me think and contemplate my faith. My son the seminary student is also...


New Year, New You

1:55 AM
Today was a crazy day here. There is always a certain amount of insanity here at the 'home. You honestly never can anticipate what you are going to hear or see. Today one of our little ladies was out in the lobby talking and talking to this man and getting more and more angry because he wasn't answering her like she thought he...


Hmmmm...Something to think about

8:56 AM
I read a post recently that made me stop and think. My Friend Amy: Stats...Do You Care? is what it says...asking if I care what my stats are. I hadn't really thought about it til yesterday a publisher asked what they were and I had no answer. I'm relatively new at this and wondered what I had missed that I was supposed to...



#10 Houston, We have a Problema

2:44 AM
Review of Houston, We Have A Problema,by Gwendolyn ZepedaGrand Central PublishingJessica Luna is your typical mid-twenties girl. She has trouble with her boyfriends, argues with her mom and sister and is confused about where her life is going. Everyone around her tells her what to do. Jessica is at a loss to make her own decisions and so she consults a psychic and...


Giant of Aberdeen County

#9. The Little Giant of Aberdeen County

1:47 AM
The Little Giant of Aberdeen CountyWritten by Tiffany BakerPublished by Grand Central Publishing, a division of Hachette Book Group, USA, New YorkFirst Edition 352 pages, HardcoverISBN 978-0446194204Released January 2009I loved that this book was written from Truly's point of view, using language that evokes a magnificent picture in your mind of her being huge and solid and over-sized. This story almost has a...


10:23 AM
Hey everyone! I wanted to let you know about a great give-away over on Booklorn's site. She's hosting a Hatchett Book "New Year, New You" giveaway! Here are the books included in the giveaway. It's an entire package of books! Love in 90 Days by Diana KirschnerWalking in Your Own Shoes by Robert Anthony SchullerThe Power of Who by Bob BeaudineGod is My...


#8. Wicked By Any Other Name

8:51 PM
Wicked By Any Other Nameby Linda Wisdom"Sparks fly when a love charm goes awry, and Stasi finds herself in a preternatural lawsuit matching wits with devastatingly handsome wizard attorney Trevor Barnes. Then mysterious magic from an unknown enemy threatens to turn Stasi's quiet town into a modern day Salem, and Stasi's witchy friends from long ago gather for the fight. They need Trevor's...



Review of Your Best Birth

12:05 AM
Know All Your Options, Discover the Natural Choices, and Take Back the Birth Experience by Rikki Lake and Abby EpsteinDescription (Publisher Website)The national C-section rate is at an all-time high of 31 percent. Are all these C-sections necessary, or are some of them done simply for the sake of convenience? Inductions seem to be the norm, but are they always needed? Today, expectant...


review crusie romance

7. Crazy For You by Jennifer Crusie

9:15 PM
I'm such a Crusie fan it's almost indecent. This book was such fun! Quinn McKenzie's day started out in it's usual normal 'beige' way and then a stray dog came along and messed up her life, her friend's lives and her parents. Before she knew it she'd broken up with her boring boyfriend, her best friend had left her husband, her mother had...



#6. Blood Red by Heather Graham

10:37 PM
Blood Red is not your typical romance/thriller. It wasn't what I'd normally pick up, but I really enjoyed it. Three women are in New Orleans for a wild batchelorette weekend and find themselves the target of a vampire. The Vampire chases them and almost succeeds in killing them all, except for a tall, dark and handsome vampire chaser. At first the women don't...



#5 Santa Baby by Jennifer Crusie

1:00 AM
Santa Baby is actually a shorter story by Jennifer Crusie called Hot Toy and two novellas by Lori Foster [ Christmas Bonus] and Carly Phillips [Naughty Under The Mistletoe].All three made for good reading. "Hot Toy" involves a frazzled aunt looking for a hard to find action figure toy on Christmas Eve, a hot professor/CIA Agent, and Chinese double agents. As usual with...



Movie Madness Weekend

4:32 PM
Ok, Ok, it's not part of the book challenge, but I caught a couple of movie's this weekend and just wanted to comment on them. The first one was "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". I really had thought this would be a great movie and I was disappointed. The movie never seemed to go anywhere. I thought Pitt seemed to mumble through...



Book Giveaway at Drey's Library

10:54 AM
Hey check this out everyone! Drey's Library is giving away a copy of Sunday's at Tiffany's by James Patterson and Gabrielle Charbonnet. I know my name is on the list!http://dreyslibrary.blogspot.com/2009/01/giveaway-sundays-at-tiffanys-by-james.html ...



4. The Lucky One

11:22 PM
Nicholas Sparks never lets his readers down. His books are always a great read and this one was for me. 326 pages.Is there really such thing as a lucky charm? The hero of Nicholas Sparks's new novel believes he's found one in the form of a photograph of a smiling woman he's never met, but who he comes to believe holds the key...



3. Iodine

11:19 PM
Another one of my favorite authors is Haven Kimmel. Iodine is her latest novel and it was a great read. Sometimes slightly confusing, but still a great read. 240 pages.From Publishers Weekly (starred review)“In her fourth novel, Kimmel offers a beautifully wrought portrait of the brilliant and psychotic Trace Pennington, a runaway now scraping by in an Indiana farmhouse while completing her final...



2. Bet Me

11:16 PM
This book is by Jennifer Crusie who is an author that I just love to read. Her books are fun and light and yet have a great story. The only problem with these books is that I tend to start laughing out loud while I'm reading them which really makes people look at you funny! 384 pages.~About the Book~Min Dobbs knows that happily-ever-after...



1. Dry by Augusten Burroughs

10:55 PM
OK OK...I love Augusten Burroughs books and Dry: A Memoir was no exception. This was a great way to kick off the New Year. Here's a little about the book. 320 pages. Fans of Augusten Burroughs's darkly funny memoir Running with Scissors were left wondering at the end of that book what would become of young Augusten after his squalid and fascinating childhood...


Who I Hang With

1:32 AM
Join Us! Click Here EveryWomansVoice.com.fc__mbt_link:hover { text-decoration: underline !important; }member ofIndie Book Bloggers Add to Technorati Favorites ...


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