Review of The Side-Yard Superhero

7:09 AM

by Rick D. Niece

Hardcover: 192 pages
Publisher: Synergy Books (March 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 098154620X
ISBN-13: 978-0981546209

Description (Author's Website)

With one late-night phone call, Rick Niece is transported back over forty years to cherished childhood memories of small town DeGraff, Ohio. His daily newspaper route, the sights and wonders of a traveling carnival, the sounds of Christmas caroling--the idyllic memories all circle back to one special relationship.

To Rickie, being friends with Bernie Jones was no different than being friends with any other boy in town. Bernie’s physical world was confined to a wheelchair, but that didn’t stop him from being an intrepid daydreamer, adventurer, and hero to Rickie. The unique friendship the boys forged defined an era in both their lives. When he left for college, Rickie promised Bernie they would meet again. Now, decades later, he is making the pilgrimage back to Ohio to fulfill that promise.


Having grown up within 25 miles of DeGraff, Ohio, I was thrilled to read this book. It reminded me so much of growing up in small town Ohio. While I didn't know the people Rick Niece talks about, I could certainly envision them. I think every small town has the same kinds of characters! This is a great book about growing up in a small town and the friendships we make there, and how we're always pulled back home. This is just such a touching book, evoking a bygone era of small town childhoods. What a great book! This one gets 5/5 stars from me and I encourage everyone to read this one.

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