9:14 PM

I just found out that Missy @ Missy's Book Nook gave me the Your Blog Is Enchanted award. This is already a stressful week and really helped brighten my day ;)

Thanks Missy!

The only requirement for this award is that you share it with whomever you like ... sharing the love is always a good thing. The blog has to show only one characteristic -- caring. So, start sharing this enchanted award with five other bloggers. Let your bloggers know they have received this enchanted award. (Remember, fairies are fickle wee things. Don't incur their displeasure by ignoring their gift!)

I am passing this award on to:

All of the readers of my blog!

I appreciate each and every one of you more than you know. I've seen this blog grow and grow and grow and I've had a blast with it. If it feels like the last month or so I haven't been around as much, I've been out enjoying the summer weather as much as possible and preparing for my sons wedding.

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Every year we lose more people to AIDS. It hasn't disappeared and it's not going away anytime soon. I urge you to seek out and support your local AIDS Organizations. Encourage everyone you know to practice safe sex and to get tested once a year. Even if you don't think you are at risk, get tested. I didn't think I was at risk either, and I almost died before I was diagnosed.
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