
Review of Shadows of Lancaster County

6:27 AM

by Mindy Starns Clark

Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers (January 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0736924477
ISBN-13: 978-0736924474

Description (Publsiher Website)

Anna thought she left the tragedies of the past behind when she moved from Pennsylvania to California, but when her brother vanishes from the genetics lab where he works, Anna has no choice but to head back home. Using skills well–honed in Silicon Valley, she follows the high–tech trail her brother left behind, a trail that leads from the simple world of Amish farming to the cutting edge of DNA research and gene mapping.

Anna knows she must depend on her instincts, her faith in God, and the help of the Amish community to find her brother. She also must finally face her own shadows—and pray that she’s stronger than the grief that threatens to overwhelm them all.

This book was fun and not at all what I was expecting it to be. I'm relatively new to reading Christian fiction and I have to say that I now understand why people are raving about it. This isn't the same type of Christian fiction I read when I was in high school. While there was a Christian element to the story and the dialogue, the reader isn't bashed over the head with it. The story was well written and very exciting and kept me engrossed. I had a hard time putting this one down! There were a few twists and turns I wasn't expecting which always makes a book more fun.

I'd recommend this book to everyone. There's action and adventure as well as a little romance involved. I'm now a fan of Mindy Starns Clark!

See an interview with Mindy Starns Clark

Hear a special message from Mindy Starns Clark

Please visit www.mindystarnsclark.com

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