
Review Hannah's Man

5:50 PM

by Rita Hestand

Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Writers Exchange E-Publishing (September 12, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1921314168
ISBN-13: 978-1921314162

Description (Back of Book)
Hannah was about to lose her ranch. Rusty was her reluctant hero. He'd just lost the only woman he'd ever loved, he wasn't about to fall for this Hannah gal. There was only one way to protect his investment...he'd have to marry her. After all, Texas was a community property state! He couldn't lose. Or could he? She'd share everything but her heart with him. And then suddenly everyone was calling him...Hannah's Man!

This was a really delightful story! It was a really fun little romance and it was so engaging that I couldn't put it down. I literally read it all in one sitting! The characters are all very well done and have a lot of breadth and soul to them. The storyline zips right along and you're really drawn into their little romance. This book will definitely have you looking around every corner for your own cowboy! The story and characters are believable, as is the storyline. I love a good fantasy, but the characters and the situation really has to be grounded or I find myself not believing in any of the book. The love story is romantic and sweet, sensual without any blatant sex scenes in it. Even without them, the book is excellent. It would be extremely appropriate for younger readers also. I'd definitely recommend that you pick this one up. Who can resist a cowboy anyway? A big thanks to Rita for allowing me the privelege of reading and reviewing this wonderful book.

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