I've decided to be completely up front about what I'm dealing with. I'm morbidly obese, I am HIV+, I have lyphedema, lipoedema, sleep apnea, somewhat high blood pressure and I'm borderline diabetic. The picture at the left is me at my sons wedding in August of 2009. A year and a half before this I was at my highest weight which was 585....
Wow it has been a while since I posted. So much is happening in my life that I thought it was time to get back to this blog...to use it as a diary of sorts about the journey I've started... For those that know me, they know that for the last couple of years I've been working on losing weight. This road has...
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Every year we lose more people to AIDS. It hasn't disappeared and it's not going away anytime soon. I urge you to seek out and support your local AIDS Organizations. Encourage everyone you know to practice safe sex and to get tested once a year. Even if you don't think you are at risk, get tested. I didn't think I was at risk either, and I almost died before I was diagnosed.
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