11:34 AM

Chipmunks Christmas
  • Audio CD (October 9, 2012)

  • Recently, I received a bit of a Christmas treat in the mail.  I was sent a copy of the new Chipmunks Christmas CD.  I don't know about the rest of you, but I grew up listening to the Chipmunks albums and was really excited at the idea of being able to share them with you and also with my granddaughters!

I popped the CD in and got ready to enjoy...and I wasn't disappointed at all!  This CD is full of all of your favorite Christmas carols as well as a few new songs.  I think it's great that a whole new generation can enjoy the fun.  Can any of us forget the Chipmunk song or how we'd giggle hearing Alvin's name hollered in frustration?

Alvin and The Chipmunks, are here to make your yuletide bright with this fun, festive 18-track CD collection of some of their most popular holiday classics.  I absolutely loved this CD - it was fun, nostalgic, full of energy and Christmas spirit.  I know you'll enjoy this CD!  It's the perfect gift for kids and adults alike!

Here's a list of songs you'll find on the cd.

Alvin and The Chipmunks:  Chipmunks Christmas [CD, digital]
1.       Here Comes Santa Claus
2.       The Chipmunk Song
3.       Jingle Bells
4.       It’s Beginning To Look Like Christmas
5.       Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
6.       Up On The House-Top
7.       Wonderful Day [digital release debut]
8.       Over The River and Through The Woods
9.       All I Want For Christmas (Is My Two Front Teeth)
10.   White Christmas
11.   The Twelve Days of Christmas
12.   Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town
13.   Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
14.   Deck The Halls
15.   Frosty The Snowman
16.   Here Comes Christmas [digital release debut]
17.   Ho Ho Ho
18.    We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Official Sitewww.chipmunks.com

Buy Your Copy Here! http://amzn.to/Sn2yTo

I was sent a copy of this CD to review.  All opinions are my own and I was in no way influenced.

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